Dinner served at 6:30 pm (please arrive by 6:15)
Instrumental Music Shabbat Service at 8:00 pm
We invite you to join us to celebrate something that unites all Jews — Shabbat!
Turn an ordinary Friday night into something extraordinary! Everyone is invited – singles, couples, families – all ages. Guests are very welcome!
We will be serving a kosher meal of chicken with traditional side dishes. The fee is $10.
Following dinner, Cantor Roffman and Matthew Lecin will lead our Shabbat Service, and we will enjoy dessert and more socializing at the Oneg Shabbat afterwards.
Please RSVP by February 27th to SAA@ckibbnj.org, so we will have plenty of food for all.
Shabbat Across America is an educational event of the National Jewish Outreach Program. It provides Jews of all affiliations (and those not affiliated with any synagogue) the opportunity to experience Shabbat as a community