CKI Shalach Manot gift form for Purim (2025)

Each year we assemble Shalach Manot gift bags with Hamantaschen and kosher snacks for our congregants. Every CKI family will receive one gift bag and a letter with the names of those wishing them a Happy Purim.

We invite you to make a donation for our fundraiser, and have your name included on the Purim greetings.

You can use this form if you wish to donate to send Shalach Manot greetings to the entire congregation, or if you do not plan to make a donation.

Please fill out and return this form by February 24th, 2025.

Receiving Shalach Manot

(Unless you tell us otherwise, we prepare a Shalach Manot bag with Hamantaschen and other snacks for every CKI member household.)

Sending Shalach Manot Greetings

If you would like to select individual names (up to 20) to send greetings to, please use the paper order form that was mailed to you.
(for example, “The Stein Family”, or “Jill Stein and Family”, or “Jack, Jill, and Jacob Stein”.